Dr. Chengyu Li Receives 2024 AFOSR YIP Award 12/22/2023
Congratulations to Dr. Li for being honored with the prestigious Young Investigator Program (YIP) Award from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR). This program aims to support groundbreaking basic research in science and engineering, facilitate the early career development of exceptional young researchers, and provide opportunities for these investigators to comprehend the challenges and mission of the Air Force in the realm of science and engineering. Dr. Li’s award-winning proposal, "Deciphering the Influence of Unsteady Aerodynamics on Mechanosensation and Olfaction in Insect Flight," integrates high-fidelity computational simulations and reduced-order modeling to explore how unsteady aerodynamics impact the distributed sensing systems in flying insects.
Congratulations to Zhipeng Lou! His video entitled "Unsteady Aerodynamics and Flow Structures of a Butterfly in Forward Flight” wins the Most Artistic Flow Visualization Award at the 2023 AIAA AVIATION conference, San Diego, CA.
Dr. Chengyu Li Receives the University Summer Grant 02/28/2023
Dr. Li is awarded the University Summer Grant by Villanova University. With the support of this summer grant, he will investigate the fluid-structure interaction of adaptive lifting surfaces.
Dr. Chengyu Li Receives ASME Lewis F. Moody Award 08/04/2022
Dr. Li receives the ASME Lewis F. Moody Award from the society's fluid engineering division in recognition of a paper on the modeling of odor-guided navigation of flapping flight.
Seth Lionetti Wins Villanova Departmental Master of Science Research Award 04/12/2022
Congratulations to Seth Lionetti! He was selected to receive the 2022 Mechanical Engineering Master of Science Research Award. After completing his M.S. degree, Seth will continue his Ph.D. studies in the FSFP Lab.
Menglong Lei Wins 2021 ASME FEDSM Best Paper Award & Best Technical Presentation Award (1st Place) 11/04/2021
Congratulations to Menglong Lei! His first-author paper entitled "Effects of Wing Kinematics on Modulating Odor Plume Structures in the Odor Tracking Flight of Fruit Flies” wins the Best Paper Award and Best Presentation Award at the 2021 ASME FEDSM conference.
Menglong Lei Wins ASME Graduate Student Scholarship 07/27/2021
Congratulations to Menglong Lei, our Ph.D. student, who has been selected as an ASME Graduate Student Scholar for the Computational Fluid Dynamics Technical Committee by the ASME Fluids Engineering Division.
Dr. Chengyu Li Receives NSF Research Grant 5/15/2021
Dr. Li was awarded $183,948 from the NSF to advance understanding of the fluid dynamics of cilia across scales with the broader goal of developing bioinspired sensors and robots. The awarded project entitled Collaborative Research: Scaling of ciliary flows at intermediate Reynolds number (new link) will enable the collaboration between Dr. Li and Dr. Margaret Byron at Penn State to examine fluid dynamic principles of ciliary flows from low to intermediate Reynolds numbers with a combination of laboratory experiments (Penn State) and computational simulations (Villanova).
Congratulations to Seth Lionetti (Class of 2021), our Undergraduate Research Assistant since 2019, who was selected to receive the 2021 Mechanical Engineering Research Award! After completing his Bachelor's degree, Seth will continue his Master's studies in the FSFP Lab.
Dr. Chengyu Li Receives the University Summer Grant
Dr. Li is awarded the University Summer Grant by Villanova University. With the support of this summer grant, he will investigate the hydrodynamics of ciliary flows.
Dr. Chengyu Li Receives NSF CAREER Award 11/13/2020
Congratulations to Dr. Li for being selected to receive the NSF CAREER Award. The Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program is a Foundation-wide activity that offers the National Science Foundation’s most prestigious awards in support of early-career faculty who have the potential to serve as academic role models in research and education and to lead advances in the mission of their department or organization. The objective of Dr. Li’s proposal entitled CAREER: Odor-Guided Flapping Flight: Novel Fluid Dynamic Mechanisms of Insect Navigation(new link) is to combine high-fidelity computational simulation and theoretical treatment to examine fluid dynamic principles of olfactory searching in nature.
Dr. Li was selected as the "PI of the Month" for September 2020 by the Offices of Research Administration
Dr. Chengyu Li Receives Funding Support from Villanova Match Research Program
Dr. Li's project has been selected for the Villanova Match Research Program for First-Year Students. It will provide opportunities for motivated first-year undergraduates to pursue undergraduate research on the numerical simulation of insect perching maneuvers in the spring semester of 2021.
Menglong Lei Passed the Ph.D. Qualifying Exam!
Congratulations to Menglong Lei on passing his Thermo-Fluids Ph.D. Qualifying Exam!
Seth Receives the Villanova Undergraduate Research Fellowship
Congratulations to Seth Lionetti, who was selected to receive the Villanova Undergraduate Research Fellowship(VURF) for Summer 2020. With the financial support of the VURF program, Seth will conduct his proposed study entitled "Numerical Investigations on the Unsteady Flow Physics of Insect Flight."
Dr. Chengyu Li Receives the University Conference Travel Grant
Dr. Li is awarded the University Conference Travel Grant by Villanova University. With the support of this grant, he will present his work entitled "Why are long sequences of steady flight less common at higher speeds of forward flight in hawkmoth?" at the APS-DFD conference in Seattle, WA in November 2019.
Dr. Chengyu Li Receives Funding Support from Villanova Match Research Program
Dr. Li's project has been selected for the Villanova Match Research Program for First Year Students. It will provide opportunities for motivated first-year undergraduates to pursue undergraduate research on the numerical simulation of insect flight in the spring semester of 2020.
Dr. Chengyu Li Wins 2nd Prize of the ASME Flow Visualization Competition
Congratulations to Dr. Li on his 2nd place win in the ASME AJK Fluids Conference, San Francisco, CA, 2019.
Dr. Chengyu Li Wins ORAU Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award
Congratulations to Dr. Li, who was selected to receive a competitive ORAU Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award. With this one-year seed grant, FSFP Lab will develop a virtual simulator to examine the mechanism of odor-tracking behavior of natural flyers. The findings from this research will provide insights into the design of odor-guided micro aerial vehicles.
Dr. Chengyu Li Receives the University Summer Grant
Dr. Li is awarded the University Summer Grant by Villanova University. With the support of this summer grant, he will investigate the navigation strategies of flying insects.
We are grateful to NVIDIA Corp. for donating a Titan V GPU to support our GPU accelerated flow simulation.
Dr. Chengyu Li Receives the University Conference Travel Grant
Dr. Li is awarded the University Conference Travel Grant by Villanova University. With the support of this grant, he will present his work entitled "Dual functions of insect wings: balancing aerodynamics and olfaction" at the APS-DFD conference in Atlanta, GA in November 2018.